The Temptation of the "Free Upgrade"
In the Gospel reading for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we encounter the disciples James and John seeking a special favor from Jesus. They approach him with a bold request: "Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at your left" (Mark 10:37). In essence, they are hoping for a "free upgrade" - to secure positions of honor and prestige in Jesus' kingdom without fully understanding the cost.
This desire for status and privilege is a temptation we can all relate to on some level. How often do we find ourselves hoping for a shortcut, an easy path to success or recognition, rather than embracing the hard work and sacrifice that true discipleship requires? Like James and John, we can be guilty of wanting the rewards without the responsibility, the glory without the cross.
Examining Our Own Desires for Privilege
Take a hard look at your own motivations and desires. Do we, like James and John, find ourselves hoping for a "free upgrade" in our spiritual lives - a close relationship with Jesus that will secure us a privileged position in Heaven, without the cost of true discipleship?
Am I looking to enjoy the spiritual perquisites without any sacrifice? Am I looking to cash in on a close chummy relationship with Jesus just so I can get a better seat in heaven? This is a temptation we must resist, for as Jesus makes clear, "the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45).
Instead of seeking status and privilege, we are called to embrace a life of service. Our call as Christian followers of Jesus is to be different from the ways of the world not to take on the ways of the world. This means putting the needs of others before our own, and finding joy and fulfillment in being a "server" rather than the "served."
Lessons in Servanthood from Our Parents
My parents taught me and my siblings that we are to look and see what needs to be done and do it, don't just sit around waiting or hoping that someone else is going to do it for you.
This is a powerful reminder that true service is not about seeking recognition or status, but about humbly and willingly meeting the needs of others, even when it requires sacrifice on our part. A life of service is a very wonderful life, very fulfilling, and very satisfying.
Overcoming the Temptation to "Count the Cost"
One of the key challenges we face in embracing a life of service is the tendency to "count the cost" - to focus on what we might have to give up or sacrifice, rather than the joy and fulfillment that comes from serving others.
It's not that people necessarily don't want to serve. It is instead quite often because they don't know how. That part of their human formation is missing and they need help understanding the beauty of a life that is lived in service to others.
This is where the example of Jesus, who "came not to be served but to serve," becomes so important. Jesus himself was tempted in the garden Matthew. If even Jesus struggled with the cost of service, how much more do we need to rely on his strength and grace to overcome our own selfish tendencies?
Approaching the Throne of Grace with Boldness
"Approach the throne of grace with boldness" (Hebrews 4:16). This is not a call to arrogance or entitlement, but rather a reminder that we can come to God with confidence, asking for the grace and strength we need to live as true servants.
The proper boldness is to make of the Lord a request even perhaps a small D demand for that which allows us, gives us the capacity, to be of maximum service to him and to our fellows.
In other words, we are invited to approach God not with selfish ambition, but with a sincere desire to be transformed, to have our hearts and minds aligned with the servant-leadership of Jesus. It is only through this humble reliance on God's grace that we can truly overcome the temptation to seek privilege and status, and embrace the joy of a life poured out in service to others.
Dying to Self in Order to Rise with Christ
The call to service is not an easy one. Before we can rise with Jesus we first have to die with him. That is to die to our own self and live for the Father's will. This dying to self is a daily, ongoing process, as we continually surrender our own desires and agendas in order to align our lives with the will of God.
It means resisting the temptation to compare ourselves to others, or to feel resentment or jealousy towards those who seem to have an ‘easier’ path.
It means letting go of any unhealthy, selfish preoccupations that keep us focused on our own needs and wants rather than the needs of those around us.
It means humbly acknowledging our own weaknesses and defects of character, and allowing God to transform us through the power of his grace.
This process of dying to self is not easy, but it is the only way to truly rise with Christ and experience the freedom and joy of a life poured out in service to others.
Accepting the "Free Upgrade" of Eternal Life
Ultimately, the message of this Gospel passage is one of hope and grace.
We don't deserve it, can't afford it, we accept it. This free gift of salvation, won for us through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, is ours to receive with humble gratitude. And as we do so, we are called to live out that gratitude by embracing a life of service, following in the footsteps of our Savior.
So let us heed the challenge of this Gospel. Let us not be content with seeking our own privilege and status, but instead let us ask, "What can I give? What can I bring? What can I offer?" as we seek to be true servants of Christ and his people.
Practical Application and a Question to Ponder
Get in the habit of asking when we are on the way somewhere to participate in an event or a meeting or an encounter of asking, ‘What can I give? What can I bring? What can I offer?’ instead of thinking what am I going to get how is this going to benefit me.
This simple practice can help shift our mindset from one of entitlement and self-interest to one of humble service. And as we cultivate this habit, we can also ponder the question: "How would we answer Jesus' question in Mark 10:36, 'What is it you want me to do for you?'"
May we have the courage to answer that question with a heart of true discipleship, ready to embrace the cost of service and the joy of following in the footsteps of our Savior.